Monday, 30 July 2012


I remember one thing i saw on TV more than 10 years ago....It was a program related to music...the girl who was hosting it was trying to explain life with various songs...What is life...? is it a confusion? it love?...or what is it ?...I don't remember much of the program but since then I started experience we know it is...and the part we don't my unconscious mind...Today when i analyze the data i have been storing from time to time I realize that i learned something....but thats just me...
  What is life?...Life is our heart...or scientifically the amount of energy that flows as emotion and gives us various feelings in the middle area of chest*..What is happy life?...i have seen poor happy people who always smiles...and rich but tensed money is NOT a factor..heart is.Is Love life?....I have seen both happy with no one in life and sad people with someone to love..But I agree...Love is something which is very close to Happy Life..provided it comes from heart*...Is life something we don't understand completely?...I say NO...i think 90% of us don't know what we really want..and we thing we are damn right what we think.But I know and i am sure because Neeraj Sir also said the same thing..which is"What we think is impossible,can't do etc etc...are just what we think NOW..but deep down heart we want something we don't even know or if we have a hint then we decline that just because we have doubt on that.Just because we think something seems to be  impossible NOW does not make that Impossible..that actually means we need more time to make that possible.Is Life hard and rough?..not it is not...if it is ,that means we are allowing it to be like that.There are and will be problems...sad moments...negative feelings...and every single thing has positive effect me..i am an experience holder :) ..There are lot of things to discus in this topic "Life"...Today i what i feel i wrote...stay tuned :D
..By the way..don't go with songs...if one tells you that love is life...another may tell you that struggle is life...another may Scream that life is a may end up pulling out hair from your head and screaming"eeahhhh" don't think much...follow your heart..explore what is really hidden will know LIFE.
Hey!...Enjoying life doesn't means only happiness...Experience sorrow....cry if you feel like crying...I do(if you are a guy..don't be ashamed of is part of life)..feel anger(don't destroy anything or kill anyone though.)...experience heavy heart...experience blank mind...there are more...if you missed are not even enjoying 30% of life even if you are full of happiness.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Looking for the positive in the negative...Part 1

   I have lots of experience with loneliness...most of them ends up with bad mood....tears..(I know tears are not manly according to people...but there is no such thing as manly...Sometime tears washes away your negative feeling..)..I always wanted to get away from loneliness...but i never found me every-time..If something bad you can't get rid of..make it necessary i did...and i saw the beauty in me when you see will say.."amazing!!!" ... Just wait for it...
  Date 14-8-2012 , Today I start where i left this post....Amazing loneliness.Is it so bad ? i spent hours with i haven't meet it because one reason...but i know how it feels.Sometime i like to sit alone....and sometime i don't

Friday, 20 July 2012


Quotes are always helpful to improve i share some..
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
                                                                                                              ~Dr. Seuss

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Positivity 1

Dr. Seuss said "Adults are obsolete children." .....
I say "find the children inside you" .... because children has no negativity in them...they are pure positive energy...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

L❤ve...the energy...

Love is one of the best positive energies...
   to be continued.............

L❤ thinking part 1...

Love grows with the small things that are similar between us.....once we understand that we never look back.. ~ রুপম