Some people told me...we must think the negative results as well before we go for something...I am not sure if i am agree with that or not...because in some cases...we need to do that...I decided to think deeper on that topic..For example when i decided to study animation..some people told me to think the negative that may happen if i go to this course.. OR.. thinking the negative effect before going out in a cloudy weather with mild rain with some important document in bag...so i found two type of negative feelings...Unnecessary negativity and necessary negative thinking(you must be feeling like reading grammar..)...so we have to decide what to think...Like if we want to do something...like our goal...we must not feel negative like "what if we fail...or the goal is too big for me..etc etc..negative feelings usually holds us back from doing something...but if we want to jump from or over a canyon(with proper equipment of course..otherwise it will be the ultimate negative thing to anyone..which is suicide..but that is another topic to discuss )...then we must think the negative effects that may happen and choose a proper place to jump.So necessary negative thinking is needed...so i am calling this negative effect analysis(NEA) instead of negative thinking..because this is being positive about yourself..i.e saving yourself..i.e loving yourself..which is positive :) ...There are certain things where NEA is needed...these things vary with people..Same goes to proper negative thinking..this also vary with people..so we need to decide that by ourselves..In my case I never think negative about my Love...Goal, family and true friends...No matter what what negative reaction shows up in between...I do NEA while telling things to people....making promises...and very rarely,..making friends.In case of other people things will vary...but in proper way it will not vary much.But it is not a must to decide in advance except a few things like your Goal...things will come and we will decide whether we use NEA or proper proper negative thinking...and in case of proper negative thinking will try to be positive as much as we can so that that feeling won't hold us back from future awesome things that are going to happen to us..
Note:This post is one of the good result of my lonely times....I had time to analyze things...
Finally..."Negative effect analysis balances our positivity...and Proper negativity destroys the
balance...." ~Me
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