You must be wondering,where is part two?
Well...Part two will come,and bring the thoughts between one and three...
No is the time for Three:
When i was a kid, i was highly impressed by Chinese and Japanese culture It was around 1993-4, I loved painting Japanese/Chinese architecture writing letters from both cultures.Many years has passed since then and I still love them,only difference is now I am living in Japan to experience them in first hand.

But today I am thinking about how not wow.
How did a country who lost a major,lost two cities in a nuclear attack.War achieved all this?
People thinks that it is their time management and work culture...NO.
I realized this living among the Japanese people in Tokyo that they achieved all this because of their mentality and attitude..
Few major points I realized about them,
1. Japanese people dont blame other people for mistakes,they take the blame to them even if it is not thers sometime and resolve it on their own responsibility.
2. No matter how modern they become,unlike Indians they love their culture and never give up their traditional value
3.Japanese people help others. They dont have Indian"crab mentality"to bring anyone down.
Most of them does not understand English but they will always try to help you,specially people above 50 are extremely good....Old people are gold. Personal Experience!!! :)
4.They have sense of responsibility,they dont think that "no one is doing this why should I?"..that why streets are so clean.I have seen people who walks with their dog carries an extra plastic bag in case the dog decides to clear the belly..
5. They have control over their emotions and thinks logically and never puts their nose in others business.
This is as far as i understand Japs in one month and understood why it will take india forever to get to the same level.
Well...Part two will come,and bring the thoughts between one and three...
No is the time for Three:
When i was a kid, i was highly impressed by Chinese and Japanese culture It was around 1993-4, I loved painting Japanese/Chinese architecture writing letters from both cultures.Many years has passed since then and I still love them,only difference is now I am living in Japan to experience them in first hand.

But today I am thinking about how not wow.
How did a country who lost a major,lost two cities in a nuclear attack.War achieved all this?
People thinks that it is their time management and work culture...NO.
I realized this living among the Japanese people in Tokyo that they achieved all this because of their mentality and attitude..
Few major points I realized about them,
1. Japanese people dont blame other people for mistakes,they take the blame to them even if it is not thers sometime and resolve it on their own responsibility.
2. No matter how modern they become,unlike Indians they love their culture and never give up their traditional value
3.Japanese people help others. They dont have Indian"crab mentality"to bring anyone down.
Most of them does not understand English but they will always try to help you,specially people above 50 are extremely good....Old people are gold. Personal Experience!!! :)
4.They have sense of responsibility,they dont think that "no one is doing this why should I?"..that why streets are so clean.I have seen people who walks with their dog carries an extra plastic bag in case the dog decides to clear the belly..
5. They have control over their emotions and thinks logically and never puts their nose in others business.
This is as far as i understand Japs in one month and understood why it will take india forever to get to the same level.