My blog is about being positive....so today i write about myself being positive in two similar situations in the way that they happened but totally different in nature..but don't guess the situations..that is not important...
This is about something i want from my heart...in both situations.......
I am using "love" instead of "like" here because anything we want from heart is love...it doesn't matter if it "something" or "someone"....I am going to use something...which normally used for anything...
I have true LOVE and respect for only four things of my life.One of them is my well-wishers..but this post is not about them...its about two specific things of the remaining three..In your case it can be your goal...the doll you want or someone you love...can be anything..
ook...so I wanted something from heart(In both cases)....so basically I fall in love(Don't take it literally before you read the two future posts..)....In some areas my life were never easier....so this two comes within...
So when exactly do we loose hope?....most commonly when someone says "that is NOT POSSIBLE"..or "that is a bad idea" or anything like that..right?....so lets go for the two things i love..
Thing one: this is a serious love(again..don't take literally) of my life...I had to choose this love from some similar types which made me think if i am going for the right thing or not...So journey to decision making has ended and the straight to love journey has began. In this situation people said about me that this guy is dreaming...some said that you are flying too high....Some even advised my parents to take me to a doc...But within all these negativity i got a little hope of positivity from some people who really want me to be ME...not someone else...i had true feelings in my heart for that thing....so nothing stopped me....i finally took myself to its doorstep...i can see it...still negative things are coming..but in a different manner...different style...but universe is out there...and i have faith in God/Universe...and i can see myself with my love out there...
Thing two: I have searched...waited....but always believed that this sincere love of mine(reminder:don't take literally..)will come to me one day or another.....So when i used to get in touch with something that might be that love i always wanted ... i had to be sure.. so i did the usual..i asked my mind..."what do you think ?"...and my mind answers"NO".... i got some straight "NO"s from my mind....till the day when i finally got "YES"....when i got yes...i understood, that "yes" has ended my journey there....But life is not that easy...because we make it complex..and i am within this unbreakable(thats what we usually think..which is not positive) complexity...so negativity has to come...and it came...and it came real bad.Sometime small things has so much power that they can break you...just because they are related to something you love...Negativity hit me heard this time...i almost thought of giving up many times...sometime i got angry..sometime very sad...And same thing happened just like before...some special people talked me out of that feeling again and again..they just said one or two lines...which was enough to get me back on track.Finally I reached its gate too...but negative responses are still in display...still coming...but i am positive about my feelings for it...if they are true they will have what they are born for...like the first thing.I asked my mind a number of times about it...the answer still "YES" even when i was within the influence of negative feelings...Now i can see this love of mine with me too(Not literally)....along with the other one...
See..the thing about negative response and feeling is that they are very strong because they are all around us ..with many....But positive response and feeling is like 10-20% within the common people around us so it gets less energy than the negative..So never give up on something you LOVE...level up your inner energy...and fire up your emotion...sincerity...and honesty...I am sure that they will capture your target.If your emotion,sincerity and honesty is true like your existence...you will win...if you unable to achieve your love then it is that thing that fails....not you.
Finally....the bottom line here is NEVER GIVE UP on something that you are(iff) sure of your love for it...otherwise one day you will sit alone and think '' why did not i go for it?.."..and i know you dont want that... :)
I am not giving any advice here....just sharing something i've experienced myself..and still experiencing ...there are more of you like me...so if this helps anyone i will be really glad....
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